
Flutter Course

This Flutter Development Course is designed for individuals who aspire to become proficient Flutter developers. Whether you're building your own projects or contributing to a team, this course equips you with the knowledge and practical skills needed to excel in cross-platform mobile app.

Live Course

Live Class: Monday, 25 Dec

Duration: 15 Hours

Enrolled: 0

Offered by: infyni

Live Course
$375 50% off


About Course

Embark on a journey into the world of modern mobile app development with our comprehensive Flutter Development Course. Whether you're a novice developer or an experienced programmer looking to expand your skill set, this course is crafted to provide hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge of building cross-platform mobile applications using the Flutter framework.

Key Course Highlights:

  1. Introduction to Flutter:

    • Begin your Flutter journey with an overview of the framework, understanding its architecture, and how it enables the development of high-performance, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
  2. Setting Up the Development Environment:

    • Dive into practical sessions to set up your development environment, install Flutter and Dart, and configure your IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for a smooth development experience.
  3. Dart Programming Fundamentals:

    • Master the Dart programming language, the language of choice for Flutter development. Learn Dart syntax, data types, control structures, and object-oriented programming concepts.
  4. Flutter Basics:

    • Explore the fundamental concepts of Flutter, including widgets, layouts, and the widget tree. Understand the declarative UI approach and how to create responsive and interactive user interfaces.
  5. State Management in Flutter:

    • Delve into state management techniques in Flutter. Learn about various state management approaches, including setState, Provider, Bloc, and Riverpod, to efficiently manage application state.
  6. Navigation and Routing:

    • Understand how to navigate between different screens in a Flutter app. Explore the navigation stack, named routes, and how to pass data between screens.

Skills You Will Gain

Deployment and Publishing Testing and Debugging Firebase Integration Flutter Animation and Gestures Building a Complete Flutter App

Course Offerings

  • Instructor-led interactive classes
  • Clarify your doubts during class
  • Access recordings of the class
  • Attend on mobile or tablet
  • Live projects to practice
  • Case studies to learn from
  • Lifetime mentorship support
  • Industry specific curriculum
  • Certificate of completion
  • Employability opportunity
  • Topics
  • Instructor (1)
  • Installing Visual Studio Code and the Dart Plugin. Installing Dart SDK.
  • Installing Flutter Plugin within VS Code. Understanding the structure of a Flutter Project. Assignment :- Building a simple app from scratch.
  • Importing images from a network. Importing images as assets. Adding icons to widgets. Understanding Row and Column. ListView and ListTile. Building views using ListView.builder. Inkwell and its importance. Stateless and Stateful Widgets- The Concept Defining a ‘State’. The setState() method. Returning to the Default Flutter App. Navigating through Navigation
  • AppBar. FloatingActionButton. More widgets - Text, Center and Padding. Hot Reload and Hot Restart, the tricks of the trade. Assignment :- Recreating the Default Flutter App (UI Only).
  • Applying push() using MaterialPageRoute. Applying pop(). Declaring parameter-less routes (pushNamed()) in MaterialApp widget.
  • The Basic Screen Layout. Applying Custom Font. Asynchronous Functions The ‘Future’ function. ‘async’ and ‘await’. Assignment :- Working with Remote Data