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Customer Experience is What Matters

It’s not the product, or the pricing. It is the experience that ultimately makes a customer come back to you.

No matter what business you are in, conversations are what matters when it comes to customer experience. Who hasn’t faced a sour customer dissatisfied with a product, angry at the delay in service, or unhappy with a gadget that didn’t come up to expectation?

Ever wondered about the person or personnel at the other end of the line that takes the brunt of a customer’s wrath? Showing patience, staying polite yet firm, handling the challenge effectively, and finding a solution to the issue is all in the hands of your customer service agent or client service personnel.

It is they who represent your brand. And ultimately, it is the quality of their interaction with the customer that decides the success of your brand.

Therefore, to make each encounter successful, the ones who are responsible for interacting with customers need to be armed with the right resources and tools.

Answering FAQs through AI

The use of AI has grown 270 percent in the last four years, according to Gartner. For instance, conversational chatbots help answer frequently asked questions that take the load off your customer service team. Similarly, AI can offer more precise product recommendations based on customer behavior data.

Reading sentiment through NLP

Conversation-centric, platform-based tools using Natural language processing (NLP) can be used to detect the sentiment of a customer.

When the customer texts back their feedback after a service is completed, Machine Learning can provide immediate insight into the communication while AI can be used to read that survey, and take action. If it’s a great survey, it can be automatically linked to a Google review.

If it is poor feedback, of course, you can immediately get your customer service agent to apologize and ask how to make it better. With the right mix of AI technology and customer-focused strategies, you can provide a more proactive service.

Personalized offers using AI

AI can analyze data and extract the customer’s behavioral patterns by looking at what he read or what he bought previously. Based on his or her previous communications with your company, AI is able to create customer personas and match customers to products they are more likely to buy.

If you are an e-learning company for instance, with this information you can offer curated courses for users.

Customized communication

It is impossible to send customized newsletters and product launches to each recipient on your contact list. This is where AI can help. Based on previously read blog posts, or time spent on a particular web page, or looking at the user’s interactions with your website, it is possible to automatically modify content for each client or user based on context. AI can pick and choose what is relevant for each client.

The more you understand who your customer is, what they like and dislike, and how they want it, the more distinct your product or service will be. The tools and technologies that are available today can empower your people with these kinds of insights. So, learn how you can use these to create memorable experiences for your users.

Infyni offers courses on Salesforce, AI & ML. For more details see or ask for a free trial. 

Author: Dr. Anjana Das

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