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Kids Trends

Make the most of your Live Classes

Online learning became an integral part of education during the pandemic. Today, nearly half of students worldwide (49%) have completed some sort of online learning. Eighty percent of businesses now offer some form of online learning or training solutions, according to latest findings.
As virtual classrooms continue to evolve, one ongoing debate revolves around whether or not students should turn their cameras on, during live online classes. In this blog, we will explore the importance of having cameras on during virtual learning sessions and how it can enhance the overall educational experience of live online classes.

Not just a name on screen.
By allowing others to see your face, you become more than just a name on the screen. Your teacher and classmates can connect with you on a personal level, fostering a sense of community and engagement. Seeing facial expressions and body language can help build rapport and a sense of personal camaraderie. Something you don’t get with your video off.

Communication is more than just words.
Expressions, gestures & body language gets communicated when people see you, important elements of human communication. When cameras are turned on, students and teachers can gauge each other’s reactions, ensuring clearer communication. And avoiding misunderstandings in communication.

Participation is better when interaction is live.
Students are more likely to actively participate in class discussions and ask questions when the camera is on. They can share their ideas, opinions, and engage in debates, enhancing the overall learning experience for everyone involved. It also promotes a sense of accountability and encourages students to stay focused and attentive throughout the class.

A sense of community.
By being able to see their peers, students may feel more connected, leading to a greater willingness to collaborate, support, and learn from one another. It can also foster a healthy sense of competition and team spirit.

Instructors are able to assess students better.
Cameras allow teachers to assess students better and observe their progress. When cameras are on, they gauge students’ reactions and facial expressions, allowing them to observe effectively students’ comprehension. They can provide personalized feedback and tailor their teaching methods to address students’ individual needs, promoting a more effective learning environment.

Builds confidence & other skills for future workplace.
Online classes offer an opportunity for students to develop essential life skills, such as communication, adaptability, and digital literacy. By turning on their cameras, students practice presenting themselves professionally in virtual settings. They become comfortable using video conferencing tools, which are becoming increasingly prevalent in the professional world. By embracing these skills early on, students gain a competitive edge for a future workplace.

The decision to turn on your camera during online classes may seem trivial, but it has a significant impact on the overall quality of the learning experience.
At infyni we encourage students to turn on their cameras during all live, online classes whenever possible. By doing so, students contribute to an interactive and engaging learning environment, enabling them to derive maximum value from their virtual education.

Infyni offers classes for kids and professionals. Our live classes cater to both beginners as well as advanced learners in small groups. Give us a call to know more about our 1-1 classes.

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